I love this model of the mind. It helps explain why some of our habits are so difficult to change, because they reside in the powerful subconscious mind. Hypnosis makes change much easier as it speaks to the subconscious mind in a language it understands! Click on the mind picture to see it better or link to this video to deepen your understanding.
Hypnotherapy helps to educate or “re-program” the subconscious mind. It creates pathways for this automatic mind to follow almost effortlessly. You decide on the behavioral and emotional responses that would be helpful in your life. Your hypnotherapist helps “translate” those new pathways to your subconscious mind.
In the state of hypnosis, you will also have better access to your “Wise Mind” which is a clear and healthy part of our psyche (sometimes so quiet we cannot easily hear it). When we are connected to the Wise Mind, it serves as a healthy inner compass and guides us well in our lives.